Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Dreams usually comprise images that are somehow related to past or future circumstances, seen either clearly or symbolically, through windows opening onto the world of truth. So long as the mind is free from certain impressions and preconceptions, every dream, like a light or a signpost from the worlds beyond, may remove a darkness and indicate a direction.
Since in dreams there is no need for eyes or light or other means or materials, and what is “seen” is perceived by insight and the spirit, dreams can sometimes tell people things more beautiful than they could imagine when awake. It is not uncommon for a single dream to impart more knowledge about the past, present, and future than is contained in many libraries.
Almost everyone has dreams, which are the visions of the spirit. Through these visions, people can experience dimensions outside of material or physical existence, and thereby penetrate some way into many of Destiny’s mysteries.
So many dreams have proven to be true in actual life, that if everyone were to record their true dreams, the accounts would have to be bound together in huge volumes.Some dreams bring scenes from the other world to purified souls. A soul refreshes itself in such dreams and, entering the “flower gardens” of that world, drinks from the pure waters therein to taste deliverance. “Seeing” through openings onto eternity, the soul is enraptured by scenes it cannot see with its human eyes, hear with its human ears, or imagine with its conscious mind.
Dreams make us aware of our two important faculties, the heart and the power of insight, and free us from the three-dimensional prison of our bodies. However, souls that unite with the truth do not need dreams to “see” the worlds beyond, for they live enraptured by the vision of beauty in both this and other worlds at the same time.
However, this door opens only to those who have undergone strenuous and serious spiritual training and self-discipline, not to just anybody who knocks upon it.For those who regard the human mind as a sort of rubbish dump, a container of the most abased things, who pursue their investigations into it (and draw conclusions) as if it were a swamp of animal impulses, dreams are a device through which the subconscious expresses itself.
However, thousands of inspirations flow to the heart during dreams. As almost everyone from the time of Adam has received messages pertaining to future in their dreams, thousands of inventors and saintly people have received their earliest inspirations in them and have felt forever indebted to this radiant and blessed world of symbols or ideal forms.
The Most Noble Spirit, upon him be peace and blessings, who illuminated the world with his perfect light, sometimes returned to this first phase of his Prophethood, namely dreams, even while he was sailing in the ocean of knowledge of God. He drew attention to this blessed source, which is regarded as one of the forty or so divisions of Prophethood. * A E Y J A Y bisikan & nukilan isi hati seorang insan
2:55 PM
Friday, February 11, 2005
MENGURUSKAN jenazah adalah perkara yang tidak boleh dielak atau diabaikan begitu saja. Ia adalah tuntutan fardu kifayah ke atas umat Islam iaitu dengan adanya sebahagian umat Islam yang melaksanakannya, akan selesai tanggungjawab itu.
Namun, dalam melaksanakan urusan itu, kita perlu mengetahui adab dan masa berbuat demikian.Daripada ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir al-Juhhani, katanya, ada tiga macam waktu, di mana Rasulullah saw melarang kita solat atau menguburkan jenazah pada waktu-waktu itu.
Pertama, saat matahari terbit hingga ia agak meninggi.
Kedua, saat matahari tepat berada di pertengahan langit (tengah hari tepat) hingga ia condong ke Barat.
Ketiga, saat matahari hampir terbenam hingga ia tenggelam sama sekali.
Dalam pada itu, orang yang paling berhak dan afdal untuk menguruskan jenazah adalah dari kalangan keluarga atau waris si mati sendiri yang terdekat. Contohnya, anak si mati sekiranya si mati adalah bapanya dan sekiranya warisnya itu tidak berkemampuan atau berpengalaman, maka bolehlah meminta bantuan imam atau bilal di kawasan itu untuk menguruskannya.
Cara mengebumikan mayat juga hendaklah dilakukan selari dengan apa yang diajar oleh Rasulullah iaitu jenazah hendaklah dibaringkan di atas rusuk sebelah kanan dan menghadap kiblat.
Permukaan tanah kubur pula hendaklah lebih tinggi sedikit dari permukaan bumi agar diketahui kewujudan sesuatu kubur berkenaan. Namun, di sini tidak ada kewajiban untuk memberi tanda contohnya (nesan) di atas kubur seseorang kerana lazimnya satu lubang kubur boleh diisi semula setelah beberapa tempoh berlalu. Selain itu, jenazah perlu segera dikebumikan. Hal ini seperti daripada Abu Hurairah, katanya, Rasulullah bersabda: "Segerakan menguburkan mayat, jika ia baik bererti kamu telah menyampaikan kepada kebaikannya dan jika ia tidak baik bererti kamu telah menghindarkan bahaya daripadamu." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari)Seperkara yang perlu diberi perhatian dalam menghadapi atau mengurus jenazah adalah tidak meratapi pemergian si mati secara berlebih-lebihan seperti meraung-raung atau berkelakuan tidak waras.
Daripada Abdullah, katanya, Nabi bersabda: “Tidak termasuk golongan kami orang yang menampar–nampar pipi, mengoyak-ngoyak baju dan berteriak-teriak seperti teriakan jahiliah (kerana meratapi mayat).” Allah yang menciptakan ketawa dan tangis serta menciptakan sebab tercetusnya perbuatan itu.Ada tangisan yang sangat dicela, umpamanya, meratapi mayat dengan meraung dan memukul-mukul dada atau merobek-robek pakaian. Ada pula tangisan yang sangat dipuji dan dituntut iaitu tangisan kerana menginsafi dosa silam atau menangis kerana takut akan azab dan seksaan Allah.
Sabar itu adalah pada awal kejadian. Oleh itu seseorang yang kehilangan orang yang disayanginya disebabkan meninggal dunia hendaklah bersabar dan tabah. Hal ini kerana sesungguhnya mayat akan terseksa kerana ratapan (penyesalan kerana pemergiannya) daripada ahli keluarganya.Sedangkan kematian itu adalah suatu perkara yang pasti dan tidak dapat dielakkan oleh setiap manusia.
Setiap Muslim harus menyedari bahawa segala yang berlaku adalah takdir dan ketentuan daripada Allah. Oleh itu, kita hendaklah menjauh dan meninggalkan segala perkara yang tidak sesuai dengan nilai Islam seperti meratapi orang yang telah meninggal dunia. Perkara itu kerana amalan ini seperti yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat bukan Islam pada zaman jahiliah.
Satu lagi perkara yang perlu direnung mengenai jenazah adalah hadis daripada Abu Qatadah bin Rabi’, bahawa beliau menceritakan pada suatu ketika ada jenazah berlalu di hadapan Nabi Muhammad saw. Lalu, Baginda bersabda bermaksud: “Senang dan menyenangkan.” Sahabat bertanya: “Apa maksud ucapan tuan itu, ya Rasulullah?” Jawab Nabi: “Apabila seorang mukmin meninggal dunia, maka dia telah senang (istirahat) daripada kesusahan dunia. Dan apabila seorang jahat yang meninggal, maka dia menyenangkan (mengistirahatkan) seluruh hamba Allah, seluruh negeri, pohon dan binatang daripada kejahatannya.”
artikel petikan drp Berita Harian 28 January 2005 * A E Y J A Y bisikan & nukilan isi hati seorang insan
3:30 AM
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
engkau lah temanku
tempat ku mengadu
tika tawa pilu tetap bersamaku
teman yang ku kasih
akan ku hargai
hingga akhir nanti
kan kekal abadi
ku pinta oh Tuhan
agar berpanjangan
sebuah persahabatan penuh keikhlasan
* A E Y J A Y bisikan & nukilan isi hati seorang insan
1:56 PM
There was once a man who was an enemy to Islam. He had three famous questions that no person could answer. No Islamic scholar in Baghdad could answer his three questions...thus he made fun of Islam in public. He constantly ridiculed Islam and the Muslims. One day a small boy, who`s age was 10, came along and heard the man yelling and screaming at Muslims in the street. He was challenging people openly to answer the three questions.
The boy stood quietly and watched. He then decided that he would challenge the man. He walked up and told the man, "I will accept your challenge".
The man laughed at the boy and ridiculed the Muslims even more by saying, "A ten year old boy challenges me. Is this all you people have to offer!"
But the boy patiently reiterated his stance. He would challenge the man, and with Allah`s help and guidance, he would put this to an end. The man finally accepted.
The entire city gathered around a small "hill" where open addresses were usually made. The man climbed to the top, and in a loud voice asked his first question.
"What is your God doing right now?"
The small boy thought for a little while and then told the man to climb down the hill and to allow him to go up in order to address the question.
The man says "What? You want me to come down?"
The boy says, "Yes. I need to reply, right?"
The man made his way down and the small boy, age 10, with his little feet made his way up.
This small child`s reply was "Oh Allah Almighty! You be my witness in front of all these people. You have just willed that a Kafir be brought down to a low level, and that a Muslim be brought to a high level!" The crowd cheered and screamed "Takbir"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!"
The man was humiliated, but he boldly asked his Second question... "What existed before your God?"
The small child thought and thought. Then he asked the man to count backwards. "Count from 10 backwards."
The man counted..."10, 9 ,8 , 7 , 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,0"
The boy asked, "What comes before 0 ?"
The man: "I don`t know...nothing."
The boy: "Exactly. Nothing was before Allah, for He is eternal and absolute."
The crowd cheered again...."Takbir!"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!!"
The man, now completely frustrated, asked his final question. "In which direction is your Allah facing?"
The boy thought and thought. He then asked for a candle. A candle was brought to him. The blessed child handed it to the man and asked him to light it.
The man did so and remarked, "What is this supposed to prove?"
The young boy asked, "In which direction is light from the candle going?"
The man responded, "It is going in all directions."
The boy: "You have answered your own question. Allah`s light (noor) goes in all directions. He is everywhere. There is no where that He cannot be found.
"The crowd cheered again...."Takbir!"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!"
The man was so impressed and so moved by the boy`s knowledge and spirituality, that he embraced Islam and became a student of the young boy. So ended the debate. Who was the young boy?
The young boy was one of our leaders and one of the greatest scholars, Imam Abu Hanîfa (May Allah bless him).
* A E Y J A Y bisikan & nukilan isi hati seorang insan
7:30 AM
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Love is one of the most subtle blessings that the Most Merciful One has bestowed upon humanity. It exists in everyone as a seed. This seed germinates under favorable circumstances and, growing like a tree, blossoms into a flower, and finally ripens, like a fruit, to unite the beginning with the end.Love penetrates, as a feeling, into our inner being through the inlets of our eyes, ears, and heart. It then swells like water behind a dam, grows like an avalanche, or engulfs our very being like a flame. It starts to subside only when it results in union. The flame goes out, the reservoir empties, and the avalanche melts away.Love is a natural and essential aspect of our being. But when it is transformed into “true love”—love of the Creator—it acquires its true nature and color, and later becomes “pure” pleasure at the threshold of union.One’s heart is a receptive port for Divine manifestations. Your love of the Creator and yearning to return to Him is the clearest sign of your being loved by God.Love is the most direct and safest way to human perfection. It is difficult to attain the rank of human perfection through ways that do not contain love. Other than the way of “acknowledging one’s innate impotence, poverty, and reliance on God’s Power and Riches, and one’s zeal in His way and thanksgiving,” no other way to truth is equal to that of love.Love is a mount, bestowed upon us by God, that carries us toward the Paradise we lost. No one who has ridden this mount has ever been stranded on this road, although we sometimes find people on this celestial mount walking on the road side due to some boastful words they utter because of their intoxication from joy. However, this is a matter between them and God.Neither the “flames” of the world nor the fire of Hell can “burn” those who already have been “burnt to ashes” by love. Those who burn with the fear of Hellfire while in this world will not go to Hell. The final abode of those who feel secure against Hellfire will most probably be Hell. Those who burn here in the flames of love and suffer Hell on earth by struggling against their carnal selves and the world will most certainly not be subjected again to the same suffering in the Hereafter.Love makes us forget our own existence, and annihilates our existence in the existence of our beloved. It therefore requires the lover always to want the beloved, and thus to dedicate himself or herself, without expecting any return, completely to the desires of the beloved. This is, according to my way of thinking, the essence of humanity.
In the way of love, even a slight, imagined inclination of the lover to someone or something other than the beloved means the end of love. Such an inclination is forbidden. Love continues as long as the lover sees the beloved in everything around him or her, and regards every beauty and perfection as the manifestation of the beloved. If this is not the case, love dies.Lovers cannot imagine any opposition, no matter how small, to the beloved. They cannot endure to see the beloved veiled by something that causes Him to be forgotten. Moreover, lovers regard as futile any speech that is not about the beloved, and any act that is not related to Him as ingratitude and disloyalty.
Love means the heart’s attachment and the will power’s inclination toward the beloved. It also means the feelings’ being purified of anything or anyone else other than the beloved and all the senses and faculties of the lover being turned to and set on the beloved only. Every act of the lover reflects the beloved: his or her heart always beats with yearning for the beloved; his or her tongues always murmurs the beloved's name, and his or her eyes open and close with the beloved's image.Seeing the beloved's traces in the blowing wind, the falling rain, the murmuring stream, the humming forest, the dawning morning and the darkening night, the lover comes alive. Seeing the beloved's beauty reflected in everything around him or her, the lover becomes exuberant. Feeling the beloved's breath in every breeze, the lover becomes joyful. Feeling the beloved's occasional reproaches, the lover moans in sorrow.Lovers who awaken to the dawn of the beloved’s signs find themselves engulfed by a flood of flames. They burn therein, never desiring to escape this pleasant “hell.” They are like volcanoes ready to erupt, and their groans are like lava, which burns everything it touches.One should not confuse true love with the feeling felt for members of the opposite sex. Such love, although sometimes transformed into true love, is deficient, temporary, and has no inherent value.It is impossible to express love with words, for love is an emotional state that can be understood only by the lover.Lovers are intoxicated with their love, admiration, and appreciation of the beloved. Only the trumpet announcing the Day of Judgment will bring lovers to their senses. Only true love will end the pain caused by being ephemeral, and extinguish the “flames” in which the afflicted “burn.” True love will cure all apparently incurable pain and disease, and answer the cries of the modern world.If we do not plant the seeds of love in the hearts of young people, whom we try to revive through science, knowledge, and modern culture, they will never attain perfection and free themselves completely from their carnal desires. * A E Y J A Y bisikan & nukilan isi hati seorang insan
4:35 AM
Friday, February 04, 2005
1.Falsehood and Lying
3.Showing insolence and licentiousness in argumentation
4.Breaking one's promise
5.Laziness in worship
6.Showing off
7.Lack of remembrance of Allah
8.Hastiness in prayer
9.Slandering those who give themselves freely to good deeds from among the believers and the righteous
10.Mocking the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the Messenger, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam
11.The protective oath
12.Disliking to spend for the sake of Allah
13.Desertion and abandonment of the Muslims
14.Originating false rumours and causing sedition
15.Finding fault with Allah's decree
16.Bringing down the honour of the righteous
17.Remaining away from the congregational prayer
18.Causing mischilef while claiming to establish peace
19.Outward behaviour contradicting what is in the heart
20.Fear of unpleasant events, incidents and happenings
21.False excuses
22.Commanding the evil and preventing the good
23.Tying one's hands back out of stinginess
24.Forgetting Allah
25.Denial of the promise of Allah and His Messenger
26.Concern for the outward appearance and neglect of the innner condition
27.Eloquence, long-winded speech, boasting and bragging
28.Lack of understanding of the religion
29.Not sinning in front of the people (due to fear of them) but showing boldness to Allah by committing sins in secrecy
30.Rejoicing at the affliction of the believers with a calamity and being saddened at their being touched by joy and pleasure
* A E Y J A Y bisikan & nukilan isi hati seorang insan
7:00 AM
Thursday, February 03, 2005
DARIPADA Ibnu Umar, katanya; “Saya dengar Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: “Bagi tiap-tiap orang yang khianat (penipu) ada bendera yang dipancangkan tanda khianatnya pada hari kiamat kelak.”
Berbohong adalah sifat orang munafik. Rasulullah saw menjelaskan antaranya apabila dia berkata, dia berbohong. Apabila berjanji, dia memungkiri dan apabila diberi amanah, dia khianat. Maka wajar jika Rasulullah menyatakan bahawa berdusta atau berbohong itu termasuk dalam dosa besar. Dalam sebuah riwayat diceritakan, seorang lelaki datang kepada Rasulullah saw untuk meminta nasihat. Lelaki itu mengaku bahawa dia tidak dapat meninggalkan satu maksiat yang biasa dilakukannya iaitu berzina.Mendengar pengakuan jujur lelaki ini, Baginda berwasiat kepadanya: “Hanya dengan satu perkara; “Laa Takzib” (Jangan berbohong!).Ternyata dengan berusaha melaksanakan nasihat Rasulullah saw, lelaki ini dapat menghindari perbuatan maksiat yang susah ditinggalkannya kerana setiap kali dia ingin melakukan zina, dia akan ingat kepada nasihat Baginda itu.“Bagaimana kalau saya ditanya oleh Rasulullah? Jika saya menjawab, tidak, bererti saya berbohong. “Jika saya mengaku, bererti saya wajib dihukum,” fikir lelaki itu sehingga berhenti daripada berzina.
* A E Y J A Y bisikan & nukilan isi hati seorang insan
4:30 PM